Masha and the Bear is a Russian animated cartoon series, it was aired for the first time in Italy in December 2011 as a preview by Rai 1 and subsequently broadcast by Rai 2.
The series tells the adventures of little Masha, a blonde girl with green eyes dressed in a typical traditional Russian dress with a lively, stubborn and enterprising character together with her neighbor Bear who lives in a forest beyond the tracks of the railway line that divides the two. houses.
Masha is a very lively and curious child with a great desire to discover and play, even if precisely because of her restless character she often ends up getting into trouble or making pranks even if she does not do it with malice, thus disturbing the quiet. living off the Bear which he is then forced to remedy by improvising on the spot, always succeeding luckily in putting everything in place.
Masha has many more friends than Bear, "Pig" which is often called "my little boy" who is treated as poor Masha as if he were a doll wearing funny clothes for babies or find yourself. "Billy goat" who often likes to be quiet in grazing grass and in order to avoid the hustle and bustle made by Masha runs to hide in "Cane "'s kennel.
The series was hugely successful, so great that many toys and action figures were produced in parallel with the series and even the series was mastered on DVD and distributed around the world due to huge demand.
Masha and the Bear
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